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关键词:  风景园林  景观规划  气候变化  生态平衡  不确定性
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 BLX201942)
Landscape Planning Strategies to Cope with Climate Change in Germany
XU Fang
Beijing Forestry University
Climate change has led to great changes in the ecosystem, urban production and life, and brought negative impacts on human survival and activities. Reasonable landscape planning can mitigate climate change and make the living environment better adapt to climate change and its impacts. Through literature research, this study has analyzed the new requirements of climate change on landscape planning, and sorted out the response strategies of German landscape planning to climate change. With regard to the uncertainty, direct and indirect impacts of climate change, German landscape planning insists on giving priority to ecology, and responds flexibly to climate change through such mechanisms as scenario assumptions, monitor updating. It duly adjusts planning content, and comprehensively considers all aspects of climate change to define response measures. The German experience in the preparation, adjustment and implementation of landscape planning has considerable guiding significance for the sound development of landscape planning in China in the context of climate change.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape planning  climate change  ecological balance  uncertainty
XU Fang.Landscape Planning Strategies to Cope with Climate Change in Germany[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(12):63-68.