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魏伟, 张一康, 张忠起, 赖继春
关键词:  风景园林  气候变化  台风  基于自然的解决方案  沙滩修复  可持续发展
Resilient Design by Natural Methods in Response to Extreme Storms: The Landscape Belt of Xianglu Bay Beach in Zhuhai
WEI Wei, ZHANG Yikang, ZHANG Zhongqi, LAI Jichun
LAY-OUT Planning Consultants Co., Ltd.
In the southeast coastal areas of China, typhoons often occur in the summer and autumn, causing heavy losses to people’s life and property. Resilient design in response to extreme storms plays an important role regarding this. The landscape belt of Xianglu Bay Beach project draws on the concept of nature-based solutions, respects and conforms to nature. Through studying the protective effect of natural beaches on the coastal environment, the project, based on mathematical model calculation of the wave field and analysis of the wave sand transportation shoreline deformation, artificially restores the landscape belt of Xianglu Bay Beach by using natural forces and establishes a resilient ecosystem to resolve the threat of extreme storms which withstood the severe test of subsequent typhoons. In some aspects, the project adopts resource-efficient methods to achieve the low-cost construction and long-term sustainable development. It provides new ideas for the landscape architecture design of coastal areas which are easily affected by extreme storms.
Key words:  landscape architecture  climate change  typhoon  nature-based solutions  beach restoration  sustainable development
WEI Wei,ZHANG Yikang,ZHANG Zhongqi,LAI Jichun.Resilient Design by Natural Methods in Response to Extreme Storms: The Landscape Belt of Xianglu Bay Beach in Zhuhai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(12):80-84.