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旅游发展下村民对传统村落景观的依恋感知研究 ——以云南沙溪寺登村为例
张琳, 杨珂
关键词:  风景园林  传统村落  景观感知  场所依恋
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51878460)
Research on Attachment Perception of Villagers to Traditional Village Landscape Under Tourism Development: A Case Study of Sideng Village, Shaxi Town, Yunnan Province
Tongji University
Traditional villages are important relics of Chinese agricultural civilization, with precious cultural heritage value. With the development of the times, many traditional villages have become tourism destinations for people to pursue leisurely rural life and cultural experience. Taking the Shaxi Sideng Village in Dali, Yunnan Province as a case, this research investigates and analyzes the villagers’ perception of traditional village landscape by means of attachment scale questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The results indicate that villagers have a strong attachment perception to the landscape that retains traditional features, natural simplicity and collective memory, and they have a weaker perception of landscape that has distinct changes in function, style and space pattern. Besides, their perception of functional dependence dimension is generally lower than that of emotional identity dimension. In response to these problems and findings, this research, based on the requirements of tourism and culture integrated development, puts forward specific strategies to improve the villagers’ place attachment and protect the village traditional cultural landscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  traditional village  landscape perception  place attachment
引用本文:张琳,杨珂.旅游发展下村民对传统村落景观的依恋感知研究 ——以云南沙溪寺登村为例[J].风景园林,2020,27(12):104-109.
ZHANG Lin,YANG Ke.Research on Attachment Perception of Villagers to Traditional Village Landscape Under Tourism Development: A Case Study of Sideng Village, Shaxi Town, Yunnan Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(12):104-109.