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来源1, 王钰2, 林添怿3
关键词:  城市科学  风景园林  城市信息学  城市设计  公众科学  智慧城市  绿色基础设施
Urban Informatics for Green Infrastructure: An Integrated Approach for Street Trees Data Collection, Analytics, and Citizen Science in New York City
LAI Yuan1, WANG Yu2, LIN Tianyi3
1.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT DUSP);2.China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd;3.Beijing Forestry University
Increasing spatial-temporal data enable granular and complex investigations of cities as complex systems. While previous studies investigated the promises of urban computing and spatial-temporal dynamics of human mobility in the urban environment, the urban landscape’s spatial-temporal complexity is still largely unexplored. This study overviews the origin, process, and impact of the New York City Street Trees Census, including its data collection process, integration and analytics methods, and citizen science connecting urban management and community engagement. Based on various limitations of current technology, the author proposes an integrated approach with both human-led and machine-conducted data generation techniques for urban forestry data collection and management. Reflecting on the case of NYC and other cities in the U.S., the author discusses the current development of urban forestry data in Chinese cities. The conclusion highlights an integrated approach’s critical contribution, which would fuse both manual and automated data collection and bring nature, technology, and people together in cities.
Key words:  urban science  landscape architecture  urban informatics  urban design  public science  smart city  green infrastructure
LAI Yuan,WANG Yu,LIN Tianyi.Urban Informatics for Green Infrastructure: An Integrated Approach for Street Trees Data Collection, Analytics, and Citizen Science in New York City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(1):17-30.