摘要: |
文艺复兴以来,古遗址美学的发现与发展为工业遗址价值识别奠定了美学基础。随着传统工业逐渐退到历史的幕后,工业遗址凭借其崇高美特征被人们发现其文化价值内涵,并由此诞生了“工业考古学”。工业遗址逐步由工业纪念物发展到工业遗产,从单纯的审美载体转变为地区乃至国家文化遗产的重要组成部分。工业遗址具有再开发利用的巨大潜质,景观化则是其进行保护与再利用的重要手段。工业遗址景观化的实践大致经历了4个阶段:1)“如画式”处理采石场的工业改造开端时期;2)大地艺术拓展并运用纪念碑视角的工业纪念物时期;3)“博物馆化”风潮下景观设计受限的工业遗产提出时期;4)风景园林主导的整体保护与分层活化的工业景观时期。最后,针对价值理念之传播、法律机制之建立和活态可持续之发展几个方面,对工业遗址景观化发展提出了建议与展望。通过可持续、有机且综合的风景园林手段,将见证工业遗址作为遗产的可变价值。 |
关键词: 风景园林 工业遗产 工业考古学 历史 文化遗产 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2021.01.0080.07 |
分类号:TU984.114;TU27 |
基金项目: |
From Remains to Heritage: An Overview of the Landscape-oriented Development of Industrial Sites |
CHANG Xiangqi, ZHU Yufan
Tsinghua University
Abstract: |
Since the Renaissance, the discovery and development of ancient ruins aesthetics have laid an aesthetic foundation for the identification of industrial site values. As the traditional industry gradually retreated to the historical background, industrial sites, by virtues of their sublime beauty, have showcased their cultural values and connotations, and there arises the “industrial archaeology”. Industrial sites have gradually developed from industrial monuments to industrial heritage, and transformed from mere aesthetic carriers to an important component of regional and even national cultural heritage. Industrial sites have great potential for redevelopment and reuse, and landscape-oriented development is an important means for their protection and reuse. To date, the landscape-oriented development of industrial sites has gone through four stages, which are as follows: 1) The beginning of the industrial transformation period featuring “picturesque” treatment of quarries; 2) The industrial monument period featuring land art development and application of the monumental perspective; 3) The industrial heritage proposal period featuring limited landscape design under the “museumization” trend; 4) The industrial landscape period featuring landscape architecture-led holistic protection and stratified activation. In the end, in view of the dissemination of the value concept, the establishment of the legal mechanism and dynamic development, this paper puts forward suggestions and prospects for the landscape-oriented development of industrial sites. Through the sustainable, organic and integrated approaches of landscape architecture, we will witness the variable value of industrial sites as heritage. |
Key words: landscape architecture industrial heritage industrial archaeology history cultural heritage |