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关键词:  风景园林  园林历史与理论  写仿  一法多式  天一阁  宝晋斋
A Comparative Study on the Multi-style Gardening of Wenjin Pavilion, Wenyuan Pavilion and Wenlan Pavilion in One Imitation Paradigm
MENG Fanyu
Beijing Forestry University
The compilation of Si Ku Quan Shu (complete library in the four branches of literature) in Qing Dynasty was an important cultural event in Chinese history. The seven library pavilions were built in imitation of the Tianyi Pavilion. The landscape pattern of the Wenjin, Wenyuan and Wenlan pavilions was also similar to that of Tianyi Pavilion. Based on the study of historical materials, this research clarifies the three pavilions of Si Ku Quan Shu, which are designed to imitate Tianyi Pavilion, and also to imitate the view borrowing mechanism of Mi Fu's Baojinzhai and the interest and charm in the appreciation of rockeries. The construction of the Wenjin, Wenyuan and Wenlan pavilions has a clear continuity relationship, and the gardening strategies of the same paradigm under different site conditions are studied. The unique method of mountain and water management in traditional gardens has exerted great advantages, and the research on it can provide reference for contemporary site design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  history and theory of landscape architecture  imitation  multi-style gardening in one imitation paradigm  Tianyi pavilion  Baojinzhai
MENG Fanyu.A Comparative Study on the Multi-style Gardening of Wenjin Pavilion, Wenyuan Pavilion and Wenlan Pavilion in One Imitation Paradigm[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(1):118-123.