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肖扬, 张宇航, 匡晓明
城市建成环境对居民的健康影响一直是国内外学者关注的热点问题,但既有文献显示学界对绿地对居民健康效应(如肥胖等)并未达成共识,原因之一在于不同学科对于绿化的测量方法和研究精度不同,结论不统一。基于世界卫生组织全球老龄化与成人健康调查数据,选择高密度地区上海作为研究案例,包括23个社区数据5 000多个样本。基于卫星遥感技术,使用归一化植被指数(NDVI)对植被覆盖水平进行量化,探究中国高密度地区绿化空间对居民肥胖与自评健康的影响作用。研究发现上海不同社区间的NDVI差异较大,植被覆盖率高能显著提升城市居民的自评健康水平,但对其生理健康效益BMI水平则无显著影响,同时发现植被覆盖仅在适宜范围内有良好的健康效益。基于上述结论提出健康导向的绿化空间规划建议。
关键词:  风景园林  健康城市  归一化植被指数(NDVI)  体质指数(BMI)  自评健康  上海
基金项目:国家社会科学基金面上项目(编号 19BSH035);高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室(同济大学)开放课题 ( 编号 2019020203);国家自然科学基金(编号 51878455)
Exploring the Effects of Green Space of Community Level on People’s BMI and Self-rated Health: A Case Study of Shanghai
XIAO Yang, ZHANG Yuhang, KUANG Xiaoming
Tongji University
The impact of urban built environment on residents’ health has always been a hot issue for scholars at home and abroad. However, existing researches show there is no consensus on the effects of green space on residents’ health, such as obesity. One of the reasons lies in that different disciplines have different measurement methods and research accuracy of greening, and the conclusion is not solid enough. Based on WHO global aging and adult health data, this research selects the high-density areas of Shanghai as the targets, and collects more than 5,000 samples from 23 communities in Shanghai. With the satellite remote sensing technology and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), it quantifies the vegetation coverage level to explore the effects of greening space in high-density areas of China on the obesity and self-rated health of the residents. The research finds a large difference in NDVI among communities in Shanghai, high vegetation coverage can significantly improve self-rated health of urban residents, but has no obvious effects on the physiological health benefit BMI level. It also finds that vegetation coverage has good health benefits only within an appropriate range. Based on the above conclusions, it puts forward a health-oriented green space planning proposal.
Key words:  landscape architecture  healthy city  NDVI  BMI  self-rated health  Shanghai
XIAO Yang,ZHANG Yuhang,KUANG Xiaoming.Exploring the Effects of Green Space of Community Level on People’s BMI and Self-rated Health: A Case Study of Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):49-54.