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基于 CAESAR-Lisflood 的弯曲型河流景观演化与洪泛区治理——以英国塞文河为例
赵天逸, 成玉宁
关键词:  风景园林  弯曲型河流  河流景观演化  数值模拟  CAESAR-Lisflood  洪泛区治理
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD1100405)
Evolution of Curved River Landscape and Flood Plain Management Based on CAESAR-Lisflood: A Case Study of the Severn River in the UK
ZHAO Tianyi, CHENG Yuning
Southeast University
In the landscape architecture discipline, the evolution process of river landscape in long time and space is seldom considered in riverside planning and design. The cognition of the evolution rules can make the design schemes more scientific. This research takes the Caersws reach of the Severn River in the UK as an example. Based on the CAESAR-Lisflood platform with a comprehensive cellular automata model and fluid dynamics model, it carries out the evolution prediction on the spatial and temporal dimensions of the curved river channel landscape, the analysis of the multi-scenario changes of floods in the flooded areas, and the numerical simulation of the ecological flood control measures. It has been found that the village basin in Caersws has a large water inflow and strong river transport capacity, which gradually elevated the riverbed over time, and is prone to flood disaster and river diversion. The village is at high flood risk, and the comprehensive flood control benefit of setting spur dikes is the best option. This research first introduces the CAESAR-Lisflood model into the application of the landscape architecture, and creatively proposes that the simulation study of river landscape evolution could make the setting of flood control measures more accurate and controllable, and provides new ideas for the setting and comparison of the planning schemes, so as to guide the landscape planning of green space along the river.
Key words:  landscape architecture  curved river  river landscape evolution  numerical simulation  CAESARLisflood  flood plain management
引用本文:赵天逸,成玉宁.基于 CAESAR-Lisflood 的弯曲型河流景观演化与洪泛区治理——以英国塞文河为例[J].风景园林,2021,28(2):76-82.
ZHAO Tianyi,CHENG Yuning.Evolution of Curved River Landscape and Flood Plain Management Based on CAESAR-Lisflood: A Case Study of the Severn River in the UK[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):76-82.