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身份与边界:藏彝走廊氐羌族群“纳 - 槃木系”聚居地“圣 - 俗”文化景观研究
陈蔚1, 梁蕤2
关键词:  风景园林  藏彝走廊  纳西  普米  神圣空间  文化景观
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878083)
Identity and Boundary: A Research on the “Holy-Secular” Cultural Landscape of “Na-Panmu” Settlements of Di-Qiang Ethnic Group in Tibetan-Yi Corridor
1.Chongqing University;2.Chongqing Liang Jiang Greentown Architectural Design Co. Ltd
The “Holy-Secular” cultural landscape in ethnic settlements is the externalization of religious forms, religious cultural psychology, and sacred space production modes that have been accumulated and merged over a long period of time in history. It is the most complete visual expression of the collective identity of an ethnic group. This research takes the settlements of the “Na-Panmu” an ethnic group and its branches in the Tibetan-Yi Corridor as the objects, ranging from the settlements and buildings caused by population migration, differences in the living space, historical politics, and religious cultural implantation. Starting from the cultural landscape morphological differences, it points out that different ethnic groups establish their own ethnic identities and boundaries through the construction of the “sacred mountain-settlement” relationship, the “sacred landscape-settlement” relationship, and the deduction of the sacred path. The concept of “residence in ancestors” reproduces the concept of “sacred-vulgarity” in the settlements we summarize as the “Holy-Secular” cultural landscape models, such as the “sacred center”, “man and Nature spirits” and “multiple integration”, and deepens the understanding of the development history and evolution law of the “homeomorphous-different” cultural landscape in the multi-ethnic settlements of the Tibetan-Yi Corridor, and the understanding of the diversity and ecological civilization of the “harmonious and yet different” cultural landscapes among ethnic groups.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Tibetan-Yi Corridor  Nasi  Pumi  sacred space  cultural landscape
引用本文:陈蔚,梁蕤.身份与边界:藏彝走廊氐羌族群“纳 - 槃木系”聚居地“圣 - 俗”文化景观研究[J].风景园林,2021,28(2):109-115.
CHEN Wei,LIANG Rui.Identity and Boundary: A Research on the “Holy-Secular” Cultural Landscape of “Na-Panmu” Settlements of Di-Qiang Ethnic Group in Tibetan-Yi Corridor[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):109-115.