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杨晓东1, 许婷2
关键词:  风景园林  私家园林  梧桐  植物文化  植物景观  景点题名
Research on Firmiana simplex Planting and Scenic Spot Title Images in Private Gardens During Ming and Qing Dynasties
YANG Xiaodong1, XU Ting2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.China Forestry Ecological Environment Planning and Design (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Firmiana simplex is one of the popular plants in Chinese traditional gardens. Its planting methods and title images of scenic spots have important reference value for modern landscape planting design. This research adopts the methods of ancient literature inquiry and statistical analysis to systematically study the planting positions, planting methods, title images of scenic spots, as well as the spiritual and cultural connotations of Firmiana simplex in the Ming and Qing dynasties in private gardens. The results show that: 1) In private gardens, Firmiana simplex were mainly planted in pairs or solitarily in the courtyard, especially near the study. 2) In plant collocation, Firmiana simplex and bamboos were most commonly matched. 3) Many scenic spots were named after Firmiana simplex in private gardens, most of which were after the images of colors and shades of Firmiana simplex. 4)The group consciousness of the literati class under the influence of the idea of morality, valuing learning, auspiciousness, pessimism and Buddhism, was mainly expressed through the planting of Firmiana simplex in private gardens.
Key words:  landscape architecture  private gardens  Firmiana simplex  plant culture  plant landscape  title of scenic spot
YANG Xiaodong,XU Ting.Research on Firmiana simplex Planting and Scenic Spot Title Images in Private Gardens During Ming and Qing Dynasties[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):121-125.