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张春彦, 钱丰, 王玫
风景是否一直存在?风景“出现”的标准是什么?法国的地理学家、东方学家边留久(Augustin Bereque)尝试总结了风景出现的7条标准,基于这些标准便能针对某一族群或者某一种文化去相对确切地谈论风景。基于人类学的视角,从人类的存在不同于动物以及石头等物质的存在这一观点出发,讨论人类的存在是和辻哲郎(Watsuji Tetsurô)所谓的“风土性”(fûdosei)存在;围绕拉维莱特学派(La Villette School)阿兰·罗热(Alain Roger)、边留久等学者的研究成果,指出风景不是环境,实际是人类对环境的主观表达;借助边留久的7条标准,可以得出人类对风景的真正认知思考始于4世纪的中国。同时,围绕人类如何建构世界与表达环境(自然),对人类的风景认知整体展开讨论,反思风景园林学科研究。
关键词:  风景园林  风景认知  人类学视角  风景起源  风景文化
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号 52038007)
Human Cognition of Landscape — From Augustin Bereque, Watsuji Tetsurô to La Villette School in France
ZHANG Chunyan, QIAN Feng, WANG Mei
Tianjin University
Has the landscape always been there? What are the criteria by which a landscape “appears”? Augustin Bereque, a French geographer and Orientalist, summarized seven criteria deciding the appearance of landscapes. Based on these criteria, we can talk about landscapes relatively accurately for a certain ethnic group or culture. From the anthropological perspective and the view that human existence is different from that of animals and materials like stones, this research explores the existence of human beings as the “terroir” (fûdosei) as proposed by Watsuji Tetsurô. Based on the research results of La Villette School teachers, it puts forward that landscape is not the environment, but a subjective expression of the environment by humans. With Augustin Bereque’s seven criteria, it concludes that human’s true cognitive thinking of landscape began in China in the 4th century. It also discusses how to construct the world and express the environment (nature) and human cognition of landscape, while reflecting on the researches of landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cognition of landscape  anthropological perspective  the origin of landscape  landscape culture
ZHANG Chunyan,QIAN Feng,WANG Mei.Human Cognition of Landscape — From Augustin Bereque, Watsuji Tetsurô to La Villette School in France[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(3):21-24.