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刘颂, 赖思琪
关键词:  风景园林  公共空间活力测度  多源数据  环境影响因素  黄浦滨江
Influence Factors of Urban Public Space Vitality Based on Multi-source Data: A Case Study of Huangpu River Waterfront Area of Shanghai
LIU Song, LAI Siqi
Tongji University
Urban public open space is an important place for public life and social communication, and its vitality is the external embodiment of the urban space quality. Taking the Huangpu River waterfront area of Shanghai as an example, this research, by establishing a quantitative measurement method for public space vitality based on multi-source data, finds out the spatiotemporal variation characteristics of the waterfront space vitality along the Huangpu River, analyzes the impacts of various environmental factors on the vitality of waterfront public space, and determines the dominant influencing factors. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that green space rate, public service facility density, cultural facility density, vehicle road network density, slow lane accessibility, surrounding commercial facilities density, surrounding permanent residential population density and surrounding scenic spot density have significant impacts on the vitality of waterfront public space. At last, it puts forward some planning and design suggestions to improve the vitality of urban waterfront space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  measurement of public space vitality  multi-source data  environmental influence factor  Huangpu River waterfront
LIU Song,LAI Siqi.Influence Factors of Urban Public Space Vitality Based on Multi-source Data: A Case Study of Huangpu River Waterfront Area of Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(3):75-81.