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赵晓龙1, 汤奕子2, 卞晴3, 郑权一3
关键词:  风景园林  公众参与地理信息系统  绿地体力活动  绿地建成环境特征  可视化分析
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51878206)
Identification of Correlation Between Physical Activity of Green Space and Built Environment Characteristics Based on PPGIS: A Case Study of Harbin
ZHAO Xiaolong1, TANG Yizi2, BIAN Qing3, ZHENG Quanyi3
1.Suzhou University of Science and Technology;2.Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd;3.Harbin Institute of Technology
The self-developed PPGIS WeChat program is used to obtain the spatial positioning information of Harbin residents’ green space physical activities in late winter and early spring. Incorporating the planning characteristics data concerning the types, scales and forms of various green spaces in Harbin which are obtained via Baidu Open Map, Pulse Data Network and other channels, and the characteristics data of built-up environment, such as traffic network, commercial, entertainment facilities, this research visualizes them with the overlay analysis method to identify the characteristics of built-up environment of green space that affect physical activities on the basis of clear spatial distribution of physical activities. It discloses that the spatial range of residents’ physical activities in Harbin in late winter and early spring spread wide but is concentrated in distribution. The planning characteristics, such as the location, type, scale and shape of the green space, and the characteristics of built-up environment, such as the surrounding residential communities, transportation networks, bus stations, and commercial or entertainment facilities, and the built-in scenic spots with commercial developments have significant impacts on the physical activities. These discoveries provide a theoretical basis for the renewal of urban green space and built-up environment from the perspective of increasing demand for physical activities of residents, and they are committed to promoting physical activity visits through the improvement of green space service efficiency, thereby improving the health of the entire population, and implementing the concept of “Healthy China” in green space planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  PPGIS  physical activities in green space  characteristics of built environment of green space  visual analysis
ZHAO Xiaolong,TANG Yizi,BIAN Qing,ZHENG Quanyi.Identification of Correlation Between Physical Activity of Green Space and Built Environment Characteristics Based on PPGIS: A Case Study of Harbin[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(3):101-106.