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刘江1, 唐新蔚2
关键词:  恢复性景观  景感生态学  物联网技术  趋善化模型  多源数据  健康城市
基金项目:“十三五”国家重点研发计划(编号 2018YFC0704703);福建省自然科学基金面上项目(编号 2017J01694)
Reflections on Restorative Landscape Design Based on Landsenses Ecological Concept
LIU Jiang1, TANG Xinwei2
1.Fuzhou University;2.Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University
Under the background of vigorously advocating the concept of healthy city, the restorative landscape has attracted extensive attention. However, there has not yet formed a mature theoretical system for the planning and design. This research proposes to introduce the core concept of landsenses ecology into the restorative landscape research, and explores the application potential of the core technologies of landsenses ecology, such as the Internet of things, multi-source data and the melioration model. It sums up three major advantages of this approach, which are realizing the dynamic development and more extensive access at the data level, emphasizing the systematic analysis of natural and perceived elements at the methodology level, and improving the landscape quality in the cycle of “research – design – evaluation – optimization – research” at the practice level. It also analyzes how the mechanism of landsense creation could affect the restorative effect of landscape. On this basis, the basic landsense features of the restorative landscape are analyzed in terms of the characteristics of background ecological environment information and people-centered perception information highlighted by the landsenses ecology. Finally, through the construction of the landsense creation system of restorative landscape and proposing specific landsenses creation strategies, it further clarifies the specific ways of integrating the landsenses ecology concept and the restorative landscape design.
Key words:  restorative landscape  landsenses ecology  environmental internet of things  melioration model  multisource data  healthy city
LIU Jiang,TANG Xinwei.Reflections on Restorative Landscape Design Based on Landsenses Ecological Concept[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(3):107-112.