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杜伊, 刘文婷, 常子晗, 刘晖
关键词:  公园绿地  微区位  公平性  社区生活圈  居民需求  行为认知
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878531);西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室自主研究课题基金(编号 LSZZ202015)
Research on Equity of Micro-location Allocation of Park Green Space Shared by Community Life Circle
DU Yi, LIU Wenting, CHANG Zihan, LIU Hui
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
The planning and allocation of park green space are moving from focusing on equality toward equity. It is necessary to overcome the problem of simplifying and homogenizing the demands of residents in existing studies, and accurately respond to the demands of community residents from micro-perspective. Taking the park green space shared by the community life circle as the object, combining questionnaire survey data and big data, the study uses the spatial analysis and mathematical statistics methods to carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of the equity of micro-location allocation of park green space shared by life circles. This study: 1) found that non-community-level park green spaces have a high revisit rate, confirming its value to residents’ daily lives; 2) distinguished the differences in visitors’ behavior and cognition characteristics in micro-location quantitatively ; 3) evaluated the degree of residents’ demands and the level of park green space supply in micro-location, which show obvious hierarchical and category differentiation; 4) proposed an optimization framework and suggestions for the allocation equity of park green space from the perspective of micro-location. The micro-location fits the daily life attributes of the community life circle, can enrich and improve the theories and methodologies of the micro-perspective study of the equity of parks green spaces, and provide direction for the community micro-renewal practice.
Key words:  park green space  micro-location  equity  community life circle  residents’ demands  behavior cognition
DU Yi,LIU Wenting,CHANG Zihan,LIU Hui.Research on Equity of Micro-location Allocation of Park Green Space Shared by Community Life Circle[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):40-45.