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关键词:  城市公共空间  公园城市  公共性  可达公平  公共健康  环境行为  时空大数据
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(编号 2019YFD1100405);国家自然科学基金(编号 51978147)
Review of Urban Public Space Researches from Multidisciplinary Perspective
XU Ning
Southeast University
The research and practice object of Chinese landscape architecture industry is changing from the traditional green space to a multi-composite urban public space system. The improvement of the public space system will become an effective means of urban green development in the new era. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of the discipline background, research contents and methods, this study summarizes the relevant researches of urban public space from the dimensions of social economy, planning & geography, landscape ecology, physical space and quantitative analysis, and further puts forward the pedigree of public space researches based on the multidisciplinary perspective. It is conducive to understand the context, value and significance of urban public space researches, enrich and expand the research framework of urban public space by systematically reviewing the academic achievements and the latest progress of urban public space researches at home and abroad over the past 60 years. Finally, the study points out that the application of digital technology has become a hot spot in the current researches, and the frontier areas such as data mining and artificial intelligence algorithm are worthy of attention; the discipline barriers of urban public space researches need to be broken, and the public space should be examined based on the urban context, to further explore the dynamic mechanism behind the space phenomenon.
Key words:  urban public space  park city  publicity  accessible equity  public health  environmental behavior  spatial-temporal big data
XU Ning.Review of Urban Public Space Researches from Multidisciplinary Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):52-57.