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李亨, 谢辉, 葛煜喆
以提升医院室外空间声景品质,为未来医养环境与康复景观设计提供基础数据支撑与科学参考为目标,采用声漫步方法对大型综合医院室外空间声景进行评价,重点分析案例医院室外空间的声环境与声景感知特征。研究发现:医院室外空间平均噪声值比标准限值高出5.2~10.4 dBA;各医院门诊大楼附近室外空间受道路交通噪声和交谈声影响较大,其噪声值比医院室外空间平均噪声值高出4.2~5.8 dBA;“近处有自然声,远处有人为声”被认为是医院室外空间的声期待特征;等效A声级与声景舒适度、声景自然度、视听协调度呈显著负相关。从低频噪声控制、动态静态交通优化、声掩蔽、自然声强化、视觉景观优化等方面,提出了医院室外空间的声环境控制与声景优化建议。本研究证实了同步声漫步声景评价的有效性,并可从声景营造视角为医院康复景观的深入发展提供支持。
关键词:  声景  声漫步  声期待  康复景观  医院  视听交互
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 52078077);重庆市研究生科研创新项目(编号 CYB19051)
Evaluation of Soundscape in Outdoor Space of Large General Hospitals
LI Heng, XIE Hui, GE Yuzhe
Chongqing University
This research analyzes the characteristics of sound environment and soundscape perception in the outdoor space of large general hospitals via the soundwalk approach, in order to promote the soundscape quality of outdoor space of hospitals, and provide basic data and scientific references for the soundscape design of healthcare environments and therapeutic landscapes in the future. The research shows that the average noise levels of the hospitals are 5.2-10.4 dBA higher than the national recommended values. The outdoor space of outpatient buildings is greatly affected by road traffic noise and people talking, which are 4.2-5.8 dBA higher than the average noise level. ‘Natural sound nearby and artificial sound in the distance’ is the sound expectation in the outdoor space of hospitals. The LAeq is negatively correlated with soundscape comfort, soundscape naturalness, and audio-visual coordination. It puts forward suggestions for acoustic environment control and soundscape optimization from the aspects of low-frequency noise control, dynamic and static traffic optimization, sound-masking, natural sound enhancement and visual landscape optimization. This research proves the validity of simultaneous soundwalk for soundscape evaluation, and provides support for the in-depth development of hospital therapeutic landscape from the perspective of soundscape creation.
Key words:  soundscape  soundwalk  expected sound  therapeutic landscape  hospital  audio-visual interaction
LI Heng,XIE Hui,GE Yuzhe.Evaluation of Soundscape in Outdoor Space of Large General Hospitals[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):71-77.