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姚尧, 殷炜达, 任亦询, 崔恩泽
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿地  人体健康  空间分析  综述  健康城市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978050);北京林业大学 2020 年教育教学一般项目(编号 BJFU2020JY);北京市支持中央在京高校共建项目(编号 2015BLUGEE02)
Review on Researches of the Relationship Between Urban Green Space and Human Health from the Perspective of Spatial Analysis
YAO Yao, YIN Weida, REN Yixun, CUI Enze
Beijing Forestry University
The global outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has exposed the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature in the process of urbanization. As an important component of the urban ecological environment, urban green space, with its quality, quantity, size and distribution density, has a considerable impact on human health. In recent years, researches on urban green space and human health using spatial analysis methods, such as the Geographic Information System (GIS), have attracted increasing attention. This literature review is to examine the relationship between urban green space and human health through the spatial analysis approach. By summarizing and analyzing the roles of green space in promoting human health in different spatial scales and different forms of green space contact, this research suggests that future researches should focus on healthy city-oriented urban green space planning system, deepen multi-scale spatial analysis, improve urban green space availability, accessibility and visibility, refine urban green space planning method guidance, and serve healthy city development from the perspective of green space construction.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space  human health  spatial analysis  review  healthy city
YAO Yao,YIN Weida,REN Yixun,CUI Enze.Review on Researches of the Relationship Between Urban Green Space and Human Health from the Perspective of Spatial Analysis[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):92-98.