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王兰1, 蒋希冀1, 汪子涵1, (美)安妮·韦尔内斯·穆登2
绿色空间具备重要的健康干预作用,其中对呼吸系统的健康影响逐渐受到关注。基于Web of Science核心数据库,遴选了2000—2020年针对绿色空间与呼吸健康相关关系开展实证研究的英文文献,采用文献计量方法探析知识网络关系现状;辨析了聚合性和个体性2类研究的主要特点。研究发现2类研究均缺乏纵向维度分析和影响路径分析;同时,城镇整体层面的研究采用的绿色空间测度指标单一,城镇内部层面的研究对微观层面绿色空间特征的关注均显不足等。基于此,建构了一个绿色空间对呼吸健康影响的综合分析框架,并提出未来研究可拓展的分析对象、测度指标和分析方法。
关键词:  绿地  健康城市  健康结果  呼吸系统  定量分析
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 41871359,52078349)
A Review of Researches on the Impact of Green Space on Respiratory Health and Its Comprehensive Analysis Framework
WANG Lan1, JIANG Xiji1, WANG Zihan1, (USA) Anne Vernez Moudon2
1.Tongji University;2.the University of Washington
Green space plays an important role in health intervention. Its impact on the health of the human respiratory system is attracting more attention. This paper collects literature in English from 2000 to 2020 in the Web of Science core database to explore the relationship between green space and respiratory health. It applies the bibliometric method to analyze the status of knowledge network relations, and main characteristics of the studies based on aggregation and individuality. It discovers that these two types of studies both lack longitudinal dimension analysis and influential path analysis. Meanwhile, studies at the overall city and town level need to comprehensive measures, and studies focusing on internal spatial unites of cities and towns need pay more attention to micro-features of green space. The paper develops a comprehensive analytical framework for the impact of green space on respiratory health based on the analysis, with proposing analytical subjects, measurements and analytical methods for future studies.
Key words:  green land  healthy city  health outcome  respiratory system  quantitative analysis
WANG Lan,JIANG Xiji,WANG Zihan,(USA) Anne Vernez Moudon.A Review of Researches on the Impact of Green Space on Respiratory Health and Its Comprehensive Analysis Framework[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):10-15.