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侯韫婧1, 赵晓龙2, 战美伶1, 许大为1
关键词:  风景园林  公共健康  东北老工业基地  社区公园  “体绿结合”
基金项目:黑龙江省哲学社会科学项目(编号 20TYC175);中国博士后科学基金(编号 2020M670873);国家自然科学基金(编号 51878206)
Research on Space Optimization of “Combination of Physical Activity and Green Space” in Northeast Old Industrial Community Park from the Perspective of Public Health: Taking Harbin as a Case Study
HOU Yunjing1, ZHAO Xiaolong2, ZHAN Meiling1, XU Dawei1
1.Northeast Forestry University;2.Suzhou University of Science and Technology
Northeast China old industrial base cities remain to keep many Chinese Eastern Railway sections and industrial communities built during the “First Five-Year Plan of China”. And the current updated of old industrial community parks is bearing the weight of the new demands of citizens to public health. According to the development course of Harbin Institute of Technology contrast non-industrial community park to extract the use of the typical industrial park community behavior of the crowd and spatial characteristics, quantitative recognition influences the performance of physical activity and healthy space characteristics, explains the characteristics of space mechanism of action of promoting physical activity health performance, and put forward the space optimization strategy of “combination of physical activity and green space” in community parks. The purpose of this study is to promote the renewal of old industrial communities and to construct a healthy active intervention of the old industrial community space system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  public health  Northeast old industrial base  community park  “combination of physical activity and green space”
HOU Yunjing,ZHAO Xiaolong,ZHAN Meiling,XU Dawei.Research on Space Optimization of “Combination of Physical Activity and Green Space” in Northeast Old Industrial Community Park from the Perspective of Public Health: Taking Harbin as a Case Study[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):92-98.