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王通1, 杨瑞祺1, 尚书棋1, 宋阳2
关键词:  鄂西武陵山区  风景营构传统  传统聚落  类型学  空间形态分析
Research on Vernacular Landscape Construction Tradition in Wuling District of Western Hubei
WANG Tong1, YANG Ruiqi1, SHANG Shuqi1, SONG Yang2
1.Huazhong University of Science and Technology;2.Texas A&M University
Taking the vernacular landscape form of the traditional settlements in Wuling District of western Hubei as the object, this paper sums up the concept of the vernacular landscape construction tradition and the composition of design elements, and explores the regional and spatial continuity from the macro, meso and micro scales. The control of the geomorphic characteristics and river-mountain configuration on the vernacular landscapes are interpreted from a macro perspective. The mechanism of the traditional spatial configuration of “mountain, house, field, and water” from the meso perspective and the types of spatial elements, morphological layout characteristics and site construction experience of the vernacular landscape from a micro perspective are explored. It also summarizes the shaping process and construction mechanism of the vernacular settlements landscape in Wuling District of western Hubei, and provides construction experience for the protection and inheritance of the traditional regional landscape of Wuling District, from the perspectives of land planning and utilization, landscape construction and site space design.
Key words:  Wuling District of Western Hubei  landscape construction tradition  traditional settlements  typological method  spatial morphological analysis
WANG Tong,YANG Ruiqi,SHANG Shuqi,SONG Yang.Research on Vernacular Landscape Construction Tradition in Wuling District of Western Hubei[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):107-113.