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赵纪军, 张昪
关键词:  风景园林  “造园”  多学科  近代  理论  学科史
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51578257,52078227)
Research on the Origin and Construction of Chinese Modern Landscape Architecture Theory from the Multidisciplinary Perspective
ZHAO Jijun, ZHANG Bian
Huazhong University of Science & Technology
It was a consensus of some Chinese scholars who received or touched landscape architectural education that landscape architecture was a “comprehensive technology” and “comprehensive science”. Meanwhile, educational activities related to landscape architecture were carried out in established disciplines, such as horticulture, forestry, municipal administration and architecture. Accordingly, there were considerable theoretical explorations and constructions based on foreign theories and national traditions. Such a “quantitative change” of knowledge development and accumulation was the historical basis for the “qualitative change” of the establishment of the “Garden Making Group” in 1951. By reviewing the content and origin of the theoretical learning and exploration of professional scholars with different academic backgrounds, this research analyses the main points and the ways of their theoretical construction to provide an overall picture of the theoretical contention and debates in the modern academic circles. It also clarifies that internal relationship between the theoretical exploration and knowledge accumulation of modern landscape architecture and the establishment of modern discipline, objectively evaluates the historical value of the theoretical construction from the multidisciplinary perspective, deepens the understanding of the continuity and integrity of the historical context of the landscape architecture discipline, and provides historical lessons and reference for the construction of the contemporary Chinese landscape architecture theory system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  “garden making”  multidisciplinary  modern times  theory  disciplinary history
ZHAO Jijun,ZHANG Bian.Research on the Origin and Construction of Chinese Modern Landscape Architecture Theory from the Multidisciplinary Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):10-17.