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刘晖, 曹朔, 陈宇
城市中小尺度绿色空间的生境质量与其连通性结构对于促进城市生物多样性具有重要影响。中国社区生活圈服务影响下的城市绿地建设,形成了具有一定典型性、重复性的绿色空间格局。探讨城市绿色空间构成的最小样方及其生境要素与形态结构是提升城市生态品质与绿地规划设计的重要途径。基于西北地区城市场地生境营造与地被植物群落设计的基础性成果,以西安城市新旧城区绿色空间为研究对象,采用综述研究—地理信息解译—现场调查—聚类分析的研究路径,提出“2 km×2 km”的城市街区绿色空间生境网络的基本尺度样方及4种典型模式,即单核心放射型、多核心散布型、廊道穿越型、散点分布型,并分析了样方的形态、要素与空间格局的耦合关系,初步探究提升样方体系中绿色空间生境网络构建的途径。
关键词:  城市绿色空间  城市景观镶嵌体  街区尺度  研究样方  场地生境  城市生物多样性
Composition and Morphological Elements of Habitat Quadrat in Urban Green Space: A Case Study of Xi’an
LIU Hui, CAO Shuo, CHEN Yu
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
The habitat quality and connectivity structure of urban small and medium-sized green space play an important role in promoting urban biodiversity. Under the influence of community life circle services, the urban green space construction in China has formed a typical and repetitive green space pattern. Exploring the minimum quadrat of green space composition and its habitat elements and morphological structure is an important way to improve the urban ecological quality and green space planning and design. This research, based on the basic achievements of urban site habitat construction and ground cover plant community design in northwest China, takes the green space in the old and new urban areas of Xi’an City as the objects. It puts forward the basic scale quadrat of “2 km×2 km” urban block green space habitat network by using the research paths of review, geographic information interpretation-field surveys and cluster analysis. It has found four typical patterns, which are single-core radiation, multi-core dispersion, corridor crossing and scattered distribution. It also analyzes the coupling relationship between the form, elements and spatial pattern of the quadrat, and explores the ways to improve the construction of green spatial habitat network in the quadrat system.
Key words:  urban green space  urban landscape mosaic  block scale  research quadrat  site habitat  urban biodiversity
LIU Hui,CAO Shuo,CHEN Yu.Composition and Morphological Elements of Habitat Quadrat in Urban Green Space: A Case Study of Xi’an[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):70-75.