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盛强, 庞天宇, 尹雪静
关键词:  社区绿地空间  公园绿地  居住小区绿地  空间句法  使用效率  稳定性
Research on Comprehensive Influencing Factors of Community Green Space Use Efficiency
SHENG Qiang, PANG Tianyu, YIN Xuejing
Beijing Jiaotong University
The construction of community green space plays a very important role in beautifying the living environment and strengthening the neighborhood relationship. Taking Beijing Huilongguan Community as an example, this research applies comprehensive field surveys, open data available on the Web, and space syntax models to analyze the impacts of related space influencing factors and local influencing factors on the use efficiency of community green space. The purpose is to promote neighborhood communication and optimize the spatial layout of community green space. The results show that: 1) The small-scale spatial topological accessibility and the distribution of seats, fitness equipment and other infrastructures have positive correlations with the use efficiency of community green space. 2) Compared with the results of the correlation analysis of the total number of community green space samples and residential green space, the use efficiency of park green space is most dependent on the distribution of seats, fitness equipment and other infrastructures. 3) Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, it concludes that the use efficiency of community green space is mainly affected by the number of seats and the small-scale spatial topological accessibility. By comparison, it finds that local influencing factors such as the hardened paving area of green space and the number of infrastructures have the most direct yet unstable impacts on the use efficiency of green space. The impacts of community types and seasons vary greatly. However, the related space factors represented by the small-scale spatial topological accessibility have a stable impact on the use efficiency of green space.
Key words:  community green space  park green space  residential green space  space syntax  use efficiency  stability
SHENG Qiang,PANG Tianyu,YIN Xuejing.Research on Comprehensive Influencing Factors of Community Green Space Use Efficiency[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):82-87.