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赵爽1, 吴丹子1, 周琨2
关键词:  风景园林  透明性  渗透  显现  意识空间  完形心理学
基金项目:北京林业大学建设世界一流学科和特色发展引导专项资金(编号 2019XKJS0317)
Infiltrate and Appear: Binary Discrimination of Landscape Realistic Space and Consciousness Space from the Transparency Perspective
ZHAO Shuang1, WU Danzi1, ZHOU Kun2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Beijing BLDJ Landscape Architecture Institute Co., Ltd.
As a unique perspective of the architectural discipline to examine the quality of space, “transparency” originates from cubism painting. When placed in the context of the discipline of landscape architecture, it tries to trace back and separate the adjective “transparent” to “trans-” and “parere”, proposes a binary perspective from “infiltrate” to “appear”, and analyze its extended meaning with the Gestalt tendency of realistic space and consciousness space: to prove that “infiltrate” is the infiltration of the external realistic space, which with spatial stratification, spatial ablation and indeterminacy; while “appear” is the appearance of the inner consciousness space. The core is the complete complement of consciousness space triggered by the infiltration of layered space. Exploring the “transparency” of the landscape realistic space and the consciousness space is a process quality. In the context of the globalization of landscape architecture, the “transparency” is examined as a new vision from the realistic space of the landscape to the conscious space, which implies space experience, spiritual resonance and sublimation of artistic conception. It thus reveals the universal value of transparency from the West to the East, the classical to the avant-garde, the abstract to the empathy, and resonates with people and nature.
Key words:  landscape architecture  transparency  infiltrate  appear  consciousness space  Gestalt psychology
ZHAO Shuang,WU Danzi,ZHOU Kun.Infiltrate and Appear: Binary Discrimination of Landscape Realistic Space and Consciousness Space from the Transparency Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):114-120.