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石铁矛, 王曦, 曹晓妍, 初亚奇
关键词:  用地开发强度  城市绿地  渗蓄效能  影响机制  综合测评
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878418,52008267)
The Impact Mechanism Evaluation of Land Use Development Intensity on Urban Green Space Hydrological Storage Efficiency
SHI Tiemao, WANG Xi, CAO Xiaoyan, CHU Yaqi
Shenyang Jianzhu University
How the high-intensity urban development and construction affect the hydrological storage efficiency of urban green space is worth studying. It can solve the parameter errors caused by insufficient prototype observations in existing studies, and realize the scientific prediction and precise regulation of urban stormwater resilience management. Taking the third ring road of Shenyang as the research scope, selecting soil bulk density as the dependent variable, and different independent variables such as green space type, floor area ratio, construction density, building height, land development years, terrain elevation, green coverage, and underlay hardening ratio, the related factors of land development intensity were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis, and the influence mechanism of land use development intensity on the Hydrological Storage Efficiency of urban green space was studied and summarized. It reveals the significant negative impact of relevant engineering practices and other human disturbance factors on the hydrological storage efficiency of urban green space in the process of urban development and construction, and expands the innovative application fields of interdisciplinary theoretical results. The key method of applying design methods to effectively improve the efficiency of urban green space infiltration and storage is put forward to provide a theoretical basis for the renewal and reconstruction of resilient cities.
Key words:  intensity of land ues development  urban green space  hydrological storage efficiency  impact mechanism  comprehensive evaluation
SHI Tiemao,WANG Xi,CAO Xiaoyan,CHU Yaqi.The Impact Mechanism Evaluation of Land Use Development Intensity on Urban Green Space Hydrological Storage Efficiency[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(7):17-23.