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刘恩熙1, 王倩娜2, 罗言云2
关键词:  风景园林  韧性山地景观  雨洪管理  山地小城镇  海绵城市  多尺度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金(编号 31500581);国家留学基金
Research on Multi-scale Stormwater Management in Small Mountain Towns — A Case Study of Pengzhou City
LIU Enxi1, WANG Qianna2, LUO Yanyun2
1.China Construction Science & Technology Group Co., Ltd.;2.Sichuan University
The terrain and landform of small towns in mountainous regions are complex and changeable, and the characteristics of stormwater disasters show unique attributes. The occurrence mechanism involves multi-scale and multi-regional factors. Based on the urban resilience and sponge city theoretical studies, this research uses the quantitative and visual simulation analysis method, and from the macro-scale (city), meso-scale (town) and micro-scale (site), to explore scientific and effective methods of stormwater management. It successively selects Pengzhou in Sichuan, Longmenshan Town in Pengzhou, and the central space of Longmenshan Town as the research objects. The macro-scale sponge ecological security pattern is constructed through ArcGIS, the meso-scale water system structure is reconstructed through SWAT, and the micro-scale sponge facility regulation is implemented through SWMM. Based on software models in spaces at various scale, the results of the research have verified the feasibility of simulating rain and flood control, and have proposed multi-scale ecological strategies for flood and waterlogging prevention, which provides important reference and enlightenment for the construction of rain and flood management system in small mountain towns.
Key words:  landscape architecture  resilient mountain landscape  stormwater management  small mountain town  sponge city  multi-scale
LIU Enxi,WANG Qianna,LUO Yanyun.Research on Multi-scale Stormwater Management in Small Mountain Towns — A Case Study of Pengzhou City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(7):83-89.