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王云才1, 陈照方1, 成玉宁2
关键词:  生态文明  美丽乡村建设  乡村生命共同体  乡村景观  景观特征  景观性格  景观表征
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD1100405)
The Representation System of Rural Landscape Character and Personality in the New Era
WANG Yuncai1, CHEN Zhaofang1, CHENG Yuning2
1.Tongji University;2.Southeast University
China has stepped into the period of eco-civilization construction. The construction of beautiful China and beautiful countryside is an important part of the construction of ecological civilization system as well as a practical carrier guided by ecological civilization theory. In the new period, the connotation, composition and characteristics of rural landscape have undergone profound changes. Maintaining the local rural landscape character and personality is an important way and common vision of future rural planning. The key to identify and evaluate the character and personality of rural landscape lies in the construction of its representation. With the cognition of the new period rural landscape, this research tries to build a set of multi-element, multiple scales and multi-dimensional rural landscape representation system integrating space-time characteristics based on landscape C-3P theory. Landscape elements determine landscape context. Its representation is to describe the basic attribute of landscape elements. The representation of landscape character is a complete expression integrating landscape spatial pattern, landscape spatial process and landscape spatial perception. Landscape personality representation is a specific description of how the various landscape characters produce effects in landscape space. Through the measurement and evaluation of the key indicators in the representation system, the overall character and local personality of rural landscape space could be revealed, which could support for rural landscape planning and management.
Key words:  eco-civilization  beautiful countryside construction  rural life community  rural landscape  landscape character  landscape personality  landscape representation
WANG Yuncai,CHEN Zhaofang,CHENG Yuning.The Representation System of Rural Landscape Character and Personality in the New Era[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(7):107-113.