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以山为苑 因谷成景:西夏贺兰山离宫的空间格局
张瑶, 刘庭风, 易敏
关键词:  风景园林  西夏  贺兰山  离宫  空间格局
Mountain as Garden, Valley as Scenery: The Spatial Pattern of Tangut Helan Palaces
ZHANG Yao, LIU Tingfeng, YI Min
Tianjin University
Helan Palaces in Helan Mountain is built by Tangut period, which were important places for royal activities. They represent the highest technical level and aesthetic value at that time, and retain historical information of Tangut garden. In order to explore Tangut’s gardens and culture, which had not yet been recognized, on the basis of archaeological investigation report, combined with local chronicles, poetry and other literature, comparative analysis between the computer simulation and real scenes, this paper explores the spatial distribution characteristics of palaces in Helan Mountain on the perspective of spatial pattern. The eleven Tangut Palaces are divided into four groups, showing the functional pattern of the mountain as the garden and the landscape pattern of the valley as the scenery. The conclusion is of historical significance to clarify the image of the Imperial Palace in Tangut period and to supplement the cases and ideas of the palace construction in the 10th-13th century in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Tangut  Helan Mountain  palaces  spatial pattern
引用本文:张瑶,刘庭风,易敏.以山为苑 因谷成景:西夏贺兰山离宫的空间格局[J].风景园林,2021,28(7):121-126.
ZHANG Yao,LIU Tingfeng,YI Min.Mountain as Garden, Valley as Scenery: The Spatial Pattern of Tangut Helan Palaces[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(7):121-126.