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林中杰1, 解文龙2, 李明峻3, 邱志勇2
关键词:  风景园林  绿道  紧凑城市  城市设计  绿色基础设施  精明增长  夏洛特
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878428);宾夕法尼亚大学 CREF 中国研究基金
Mechanism of Sustainable Development of Urban Form Guided by Greenway System: A Case Study of Charlotte Metropolitan Region, USA
LIN Zhongjie1, XIE Wenlong2, LEE Ming-Chun3, QIU Zhiyong2
1.the University of Pennsylvania;2.Harbin Institute of Technology;3.University of North Carolina at Charlotte
As a multi-scale and multi-purpose green infrastructure network, the greenway system has become an important approach to guide compact development of urban form and a major space carrier to promote healthy development of cities. At present, the planning and management of urban greenway system is still in the exploration stage in China, and needs to learn from the successful paths of international urban greenway system planning and construction. Following a brief review of greenway development, this research focuses on the influential greenway system construction project in Charlotte Metropolitan Region in the southeast of U.S. for an in-depth case study. It systematically analyzes the planning strategy and implementation approach of the greenway system that has facilitated sustainable development of urban form, and summarizes the multiple benefits in optimizing the spatial structure, promoting healthy urban lifestyle, and improving ecological environment. It aims to provide integrated and pioneering strategies for the sustainable planning and construction process of greenway system in China. The development path provided for the greenway system will be helpful to guide the smart growth and healthy development of urban morphology.
Key words:  landscape architecture  greenway  compact city  urban design  green infrastructure  smart growth  Charlotte
LIN Zhongjie,XIE Wenlong,LEE Ming-Chun,QIU Zhiyong.Mechanism of Sustainable Development of Urban Form Guided by Greenway System: A Case Study of Charlotte Metropolitan Region, USA[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(8):18-23.