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孙澄, 解文龙
关键词:  风景园林  韧性城市  总体城市设计  城市设计框架  严寒地区  长春市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号 51938003)
Climate Resilience Oriented Urban Design Framework for Cities in Severe Cold Regions: A Case Study of General Urban Design of Changchun
SUN Cheng, XIE Wenlong
Harbin Institute of Technology
Cities in severe cold regions are faced with unique and diversified climate problems, such as low temperature, cold wind, ice and snow. The impact of such a complex climate on urban safety has become an urgent problem to be solved. Through systematic literature review, this research sorts out the consensus on the relationship between urban design elements and climate resilience, and summarizes the key features of urban formations that affect climate resilience. It proposes climate resilience oriented urban design framework for cities in severe cold regions to solve unique and diversified climate problems. The framework is comprised of an ecological safe system (for regulation of drought and flood), bio-safety system (for diversity and connection), multi-center urban morphology system (for redundancy and compact), multi-scale ventilation corridor system (mitigation of fog and haze), and public space system (for light environment comfort in Winter). The framework is also applied in general urban designs of Changchun, a pilot project of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China, with an aim to provide methodology framework and technical guidelines for urban design practice in severe cold regions of China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  resilient city  general urban design  urban design framework  severe cold region  Changchun
SUN Cheng,XIE Wenlong.Climate Resilience Oriented Urban Design Framework for Cities in Severe Cold Regions: A Case Study of General Urban Design of Changchun[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(8):39-44.