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关键词:  城市微更新  小微公共空间  社会治理  人民城市  社区营造  风景园林
基金项目:北京市社会科学基金一般项目(编号 20JCC029);中央高校基本科研业务费资金(编号 20KYZY026)
Discussion on Micro-renewal of Urban Small and Micro Public Space Landscape from the Perspective of Social Governance
HOU Xiaolei
Central Academy of Fine Arts
The micro-renewal of urban small and micro public space focuses on people's daily needs and life communication, emphasizing the “people’s participation” governance mode. As China steps from the incremental stage to the stock stage in urban construction, the micro-renewal of urban public space has gradually shifted to focus more on spatial reconstruction, public participation and community activation, and the spatial care is materialized in community governance, human needs and social relations. Aiming at the comprehensive problems in the process of urban public space renewal, this research, guided by people’s needs and practical issues, and taking public space design as the breakthrough point, discusses the relationship between urban public space renewal and social governance, as well as the adaptive strategies of social governance. It systematically puts forward feasible social governance approaches for micro-renewal of small and micro urban public space landscape from the perspective of the people and society, which are reflected in the social and cultural governance, social demand governance, social vitality governance, hierarchical governance and mechanism governance of the public space.
Key words:  urban micro-renewal  small and micro public space  social governance  people’s city  community construction  landscape architecture
HOU Xiaolei.Discussion on Micro-renewal of Urban Small and Micro Public Space Landscape from the Perspective of Social Governance[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):14-18.