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胡斌, 邹一玮, 马若诗
关键词:  乡村景观  综合调查  遗产保护  评价技术  多方参与
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51878083)
Comprehensive Investigation and Evaluation System of Rural Cultural Landscape Heritage
HU Bin, ZOU Yiwei, MA Ruoshi
Chongqing University
The comprehensive investigation and value evaluation of heritage resources is the first step in the protection and activated utilization of rural heritage. Starting with the summary of the basic survey project of the rural cultural landscape heritage resources in Chongqing, this research discusses the working procedures and contents of “in-depth study” of rural heritage resources by applying the interdisciplinary and multi-dimensional survey and evaluation technology. The overall research takes building a comprehensive research framework and heritage evaluation system as a premise and, through practical application, strengthens the rural cultural landscape heritage resources special statistics and protection management consciousness, to highlight the importance of multilateral coordination in the process of protection and utilization, and provides strategies and suggestions to fundamentally solve the problem of lack of rural cultural landscape heritage inheritance.
Key words:  rural landscape  comprehensive survey  heritage protection  evaluation technology  multiparticipation
HU Bin,ZOU Yiwei,MA Ruoshi.Comprehensive Investigation and Evaluation System of Rural Cultural Landscape Heritage[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):109-114.