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(美)尼尔·柯克伍德1, 付泉川2
关键词:  现代工业景观  蔚山市  第五次工业革命  “中国棕”  研究生设计工作坊
Landscapes Remade: Emerging Landscape Design Practices and Pedagogy for the New Environmental Reality
(USA) Niall Kirkwood1, FU Quanchuan2
1.Harvard University;2.Beijing Jiaotong University
The paper reconsiders a prime industrial and manufacturing center as part of a more livable and sustainable metropolitan industrial landscape and a locale of shifting local and global economies and inventive environments addressing energy, waste and metabolism. In particular it introduces the so-named “Fifth Industrial Revolution”, a systematic transformation in contemporary landscapes combining new methods of manufacture and making with changes to resources, governance structures, civil society, human identity and the meaning of nature at two scales of operation – that of the landscape planning of an industrial district for a post-oil economy in relation to the urban fabric and secondly at the landscape design project scale of industrial ecology, landfill land, a range of public and community open space and resource/energy use in the landscape. This offers a creative opportunity to explore topics of traditional and contemporary planning, design, culture and technology through a series of landscape pedagogies addressing alternative futures for both the natural environment and the built modern world.
Key words:  modern industrial landscape  City of Ulsan  5th Industrial Revolution  “China Brown”  Graduate Design Studio
(USA) Niall Kirkwood,FU Quanchuan.Landscapes Remade: Emerging Landscape Design Practices and Pedagogy for the New Environmental Reality[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(10):41-50.