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(德)埃卡特·兰格, (荷)扬·沃德斯特拉, 陆熹
关键词:  学习者中心教学法  谢菲尔德模式  专项项目  设计、规划和管理
Student-Centered Learning in Landscape Architecture: The Special Project in the Final Year of the Master’s Programme at the University of Sheffield
(DEU) Eckart Lange, (NED) Jan Woudstra, LU Xi
University of Sheffield
Student-centered learning in higher education has long been seen as a way to both improve engagement and stimulate achievement. This is an innovative teaching method intended to influence students’ mindsets by promoting a culture of active learning that strengthens transferable skills including critical thinking and problem solving. It also encourages learners to be reflective. This case study of how this has been applied in the final year of the Masters Special Project programme in the Department of Landscape Architecture of the University of Sheffield which is renowned for it, reveals how these methods have been successfully applied. They have become an important part of the general culture in the Department and have been widely applied elsewhere.
Key words:  student-centered learning  the Sheffield Method  Special Project  design, planning and management
(DEU) Eckart Lange,(NED) Jan Woudstra,LU Xi.Student-Centered Learning in Landscape Architecture: The Special Project in the Final Year of the Master’s Programme at the University of Sheffield[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(10):63-71.