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(德/加)丹尼尔·罗尔1, 魏菲宇2, (加)肖恩·贝利1
关键词:  多感官  观察力  记录  经验  感官体验漫步  疗愈研究  教育  图示分析
“Sensewalk Mapping” as a Method for Teaching Multi-sensorial Landscape Perception
(DEU/CAN) Daniel Roehr1, WEI Feiyu2, (CAN) Sean Bailey1
1.University of British Columbia;2.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Increased reliance on visually-dominant digital tools to represent ideas and evaluate sites has put landscape architecture at risk of losing the benefits of incorporating all senses in the design of spaces. This paper investigates an on-site method for teaching multi-sensorial perception in landscape architecture pedagogy, ensuring that the visual aspects of design are not disproportionately prioritized. “Sensewalk Mapping” is explored in this article as a method to achieve multi-sensorial awareness. This article will describe a methodology for “Sensewalk Mapping”, an application of the methodology, and a discussion of the advantages of this methodology as a strategy for multi-sensorial, perceptual learning. As precedent, classical Chinese gardens are analyzed using this method, as they are confined design spaces that allow for a controlled multi-sensorial experience. “Sensewalk Mapping” will also be discussed as an opportunity for further understanding of how multi-sensorial mapping could provide a basis for future research on the healing effectiveness of gardens.
Key words:  multi-sensory  perception  recording  experience  sensewalk  healing research  education  mapping
(DEU/CAN) Daniel Roehr,WEI Feiyu,(CAN) Sean Bailey.“Sensewalk Mapping” as a Method for Teaching Multi-sensorial Landscape Perception[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(10):96-106.