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王龙欢1, 贾炳浩1, 戈晓宇2
关键词:  气候变化  城市绿色基础设施  城市建设  城市规划  空间分异  时序演变
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 41830967);中国科学院青年创新促进会(编号 2021073)
Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Green Infrastructure in China (1980—2015)
WANG Longhua1, JIA Binghao1, GE Xiaoyu2
1.Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.Beijing Forestry University
Green infrastructure as a significant component of a city plays an important role in building the ecological support system and coping with climate change. Taking Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou as the research cases, this study analyzes the evolution of climate elements and urban green infrastructure morphological characteristics in 1980—2015, and explores the impacts of climate change on urban green infrastructure from the perspectives of temporal evolution and spatial differentiation. The results show that the annual average temperature increased significantly in the three typical cities over the 35 years due to the climate change and urbanization. The area of green infrastructure expanded markedly in the three cities in 2000 and the rate of urban expansion slowed down in 2010 and 2015, which somewhat lowered the temperature. Finally, the paper elaborates the enlightenment of green infrastructure construction in dealing with climate change to accelerate the construction of climate-resilient cities.
Key words:  climate change  urban green infrastructure  urban construction  urban planning  spatial variation  temporal evolution
WANG Longhua,JIA Binghao,GE Xiaoyu.Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Green Infrastructure in China (1980—2015)[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):55-60.