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谢怀南, 戈晓宇
在气候变化的背景下,降雨条件的改变会带来径流产流、汇流过程的变化,进而影响集雨型绿地的径流控制效能。通过气候倾向率法和MK检验,分析迁安地区过去及未来的降雨趋势,以迁安市滨湖东路片区为研究对象,利用MIKE URBAN软件,对外源集雨型绿地建成前后在不同重现期降雨条件下的区域雨水管网的溢流负荷情况进行模拟,并计算未来重现期降雨量,分析气候变化背景下外源集雨型绿地的径流控制效能。结论:1)迁安地区自1989年来降雨量呈上升趋势,且在未来情景模拟下该趋势将持续;2)集雨型绿地建成后,有效缓解1年、2年、3年、5年一遇区域雨水管网溢流负荷现象;3)外源集雨型绿地应对未来降雨雨水径流的控制效能将减弱。最后提出在海绵城市规划建设过程中应将气候变化的条件纳入其中,考虑低影响开发系统的气候适应性。
关键词:  风景园林  气候变化  海绵城市  集雨型绿地  城市内涝
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 31800606);2015 北京市共建项目(编号 2015BLUREE01)
Research on Runoff Control Efficiency of Exogenous Rainwater Harvesting Greenbelt Under the Background of Climate Change: A Case Study of Binhu East Road Area of Qian’an City
XIE Huainan, GE Xiaoyu
Beijing Forestry University
Against the backdrop of climate change, conditional changes of rainfall may lead to the change of runoff production and confluence process, which in turn may influence the runoff control efficiency of the rainwater harvesting greenbelt. This thesis aims to analyze the past and future rainfall trends in the Qian’an area through climate inclination rate analysis and MK test. Using the Binhu East Road area of Qian’an City as the research object, it employs MIKE URBAN software to simulate the overflow load of the regional drainage system over different periods of rainfall before and after the establishment of the exogenous rainwater harvesting greenbelt. The paper also calculates the level of rainfall in the future return period so as to probe into the runoff control efficiency of the exogenous rainwater harvesting greenbelt affected by climate change. Conclusions are as follows: 1) Rainfall in Qian’an area has been on a rise ever since 1989, and it shall continue according to the future scenario simulation. 2) The overflow load of the regional drainage system in 1a, 2a, 3a and 5a areas shall be effectively mitigated after the establishment of the rainwater harvesting greenbelt. 3) The control efficiency of the exogenous rainwater harvesting greenbelt in response to future rainfall will be weakened. Overall, this paper proposes that climate change conditions should be taken into account in the planning and construction of sponge city to note the climate adaptability of low impact development system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  climate change  sponge city  rainwater greenbelt  urban waterlogging
XIE Huainan,GE Xiaoyu.Research on Runoff Control Efficiency of Exogenous Rainwater Harvesting Greenbelt Under the Background of Climate Change: A Case Study of Binhu East Road Area of Qian’an City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):89-95.