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陈蔚镇1, 赵亮1, 张曼曼2
关键词:  风景园林  绿带  绿道  人口  建设机制  土地经济  空间生产
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 22120190203)
Analysis of Greenbelt Planning, Construction and Governance in Contemporary Metropolitan Areas: A Case Study of Shanghai Greenbelts Around Metropolis
CHEN Weizhen1, ZHAO Liang1, ZHANG Manman2
1.Tongji University;2.Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd
Since 1990, the metropolitan greenbelt planning has gradually changed from the modernist planning strategy that limits urban expansion to the political governance measures to promote regional development. This research firstly reviews the paradigm evolution of international greenbelt planning with analysis of the key factors affecting greenbelt planning. Secondly, it reviews the planning ideas, construction mechanisms and governance paths of Shanghai greenbelts around the metropolis. Citing the Gucun Park greenbelt in Shanghai Baoshan District as an example, analyzes the changing process of Shanghai greenbelts which has transformed from urban spatial structural elements to regional functional elements. Finally, this research puts forward some suggestions for the future greenbelt planning in Shanghai. In history, Shanghai greenbelts took the role of controlling urban expansion. Now, they shoulder the mission of cultivating the value of surrounding land, serving the community residents and making the city more attractive. In the future, Shanghai should 1) build more green wedge-shaped green spaces with the interconnected function, 2) develop more detailed plans for the newly planned greenbelts, and 3) integrate the greenbelts with surrounding land to cultivate land value and incubate innovative industries.
Key words:  landscape architecture  greenbelt  greenway  population  construction mechanism  land economy  space production
CHEN Weizhen,ZHAO Liang,ZHANG Manman.Analysis of Greenbelt Planning, Construction and Governance in Contemporary Metropolitan Areas: A Case Study of Shanghai Greenbelts Around Metropolis[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):103-107.