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程可欣1, 王志芳1, 唐瑜聪2
关键词:  国土空间规划  矿山生态修复  生态安全格局  社会需求度  空间优先级  投资效益比  效益最大化
Spatial Priority and Strategy of Ecological Restoration Under the Territorial Spatial Scale: A Case Study of Mine Land
CHENG Kexin1, WANG Zhifang1, TANG Yucong2
1.Peking University;2.Shanghai Pudong Urban Planning & Architecture Design Co., Ltd
Mine ecological restoration is an important part of the ecological restoration of the territorial space. The existing studies of mine restoration have focused on individual projects from the angle of engineering or restoration-first studies from a purely ecological perspective, lacking an overall decision-making strategy under the territorial spatial scale. This research cites Fengcheng, a typical mining city in Jiangxi Province, as an example, to explore the ecological and social demands based on the ecological security pattern and territorial spatial planning. By determing the key input areas and other zones to maximize the ecological-social integral benefits in the mine, this paper puts forward the strategies of mine restoration in various areas. The results show that Fengcheng has the characteristics of extensive areas and wide distribution of mine land. Although the area in this region of ecological importance accounts for nearly half of the total, the area of high inputs accounts for one tenth. The area of low inputs and the area restored by nature account for the largest, thus proving the validity of natured-based ecological restoration. The research complements the inadequacy of macro-scale decisions at mine ecological restoration, provides views of ecological protection and social requirements. It also abandons the ecological restoration mode of even work, selects different restoration strategies according to spatial heterogeneity of the mine, so as to maximize the ecological and social benefits, and to better integrate the ecological restoration planning of mine into the system of spatial planning more smoothly.
Key words:  territorial spatial planning  mine ecological restoration  ecological security pattern  social demand  spatial priority  ratio of investment and efficiency  benefit maximization
CHENG Kexin,WANG Zhifang,TANG Yucong.Spatial Priority and Strategy of Ecological Restoration Under the Territorial Spatial Scale: A Case Study of Mine Land[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):10-15.