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朱海鹏1, 孔宇航1, (日)大野隆造2
关键词:  风景园林  全景影像  运动视觉  环境视觉信息  光流测度  游观体验
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51778401,52038007);高等学校学科引智计划(编号 B13011)
Visual Analysis Method of Garden Tour Experience Based on Panoramic Images: A Case Study of the Lingering Garden
ZHU Haipeng1, KONG Yuhang1, (JPN) OHNO Ryuzo2
1.Tianjin University;2.Tokyo Institute of Technology
Visual perception in motion is an important way for observers to recognize the built environment. The development of panoramic vision technology provides new ideas for multi-perspective and quantitative studies of the influencing factors and action mechanism of garden tour experience. This research applies ecological psychology and parallel visual processing in the vision system as the theoretical foundation. It re-examines the visual perception in motion from the perspective of panoramic projection, and proposes measurement methods of dynamic visual information based on optical flow diagrams. Taking the Lingering Garden as an example, the research quantitatively and visually analyzes the patterns and characteristics of continuous changes in visual information during motion, as a reference for the research on the mechanism of garden tour experience.
Key words:  landscape architecture  panoramic image  visual perception in motion  ambient visual information  optical flow measurement  tourism experience
ZHU Haipeng,KONG Yuhang,(JPN) OHNO Ryuzo.Visual Analysis Method of Garden Tour Experience Based on Panoramic Images: A Case Study of the Lingering Garden[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):77-84.