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董雯1, 朱逊1, 赵晓龙2
关键词:  社区绿道  建成环境特征  体力活动强度  公共健康  绿地更新  深圳
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目( 编号 51878206);黑龙江省教育科学规划重点课题 ( 编号 GJB1320074);黑龙江省哲学社会科学项目(编号 20TYC175);中国博士后科学基金(编号 2020M670873)
Research on Correlation Between Built Environment Characteristics of Community Greenway and Intensity of Physical Activities: A Case Study of Shenzhen
DONG Wen1, ZHU Xun1, ZHAO Xiaolong2
1.Harbin Institute of Technology;2.Suzhou University of Science and Technology
As a green linear space in the community living circle, the community greenway is an important place for residents of high-density population urban built-up areas to carry out daily physical activities. Taking 167 community greenways that have been built in Shenzhen City as the objects, this research explores the relationship between the built environment characteristics of community greenways and the intensity of physical activities, in a bid to promote urban community renewal and improve public health. Firstly, according to the nature of the surrounding land, the community greenways in Shenzhen are divided into three categories: green space landscape type, commercial service type, and life leisure type. Based on the POI data crawling and field measurement methods, the built-up environmental characteristic data from the aspects of proximity, connectivity and locality, the greenway physical activity intensity data based on the behavior observation along with the physical activity energy consumption table method. Secondly, the research adopts the mathematical statistics method of correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to identify the related built environment characteristic factors, compares the impact intensity differences of significant impact factors, and clarifies the appropriate value range in combination with the scatter diagram. The results show that the significant impact factors and impact intensity of the three types of community greenways are different in proximity and connectivity characteristics. The greenway carrier width and visibility in location characteristics are the common preference factors for physical activity intensity of the three types of greenways, but their appropriate ranges are different. Finally, based on the research results, the authors put forward relevant suggestions for the planning and design of community greenways in Shenzhen.
Key words:  community greenway  built environment characteristics  physical activity intensity  public health  green space renewal  Shenzhen
DONG Wen,ZHU Xun,ZHAO Xiaolong.Research on Correlation Between Built Environment Characteristics of Community Greenway and Intensity of Physical Activities: A Case Study of Shenzhen[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):93-99.