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王云才1, 贾一非1, 朱韵奇1, 成玉宁2
关键词:  寻常风景  生态智慧  乡村风景道  识别体系  美丽乡村  辽宁省黑山县
基金项目:国家“十三五”重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD11004054)
Identification of Rural Scenic Corridors with Common Scenery Wisdom: A Case Study of Heishan, Liaoning Province
WANG Yuncai1, JIA Yifei1, ZHU Yunqi1, CHENG Yuning2
1.Tongji University;2.Southeast University
As a kind of green infrastructure, scenic corridors of multiple functions have been increasingly valued and widely used in the construction of beautiful countryside in recent years. However, current researches lack an objective and comprehensive identification system for scenic corridors. This research puts forward the concept of common scenery, redefines the rural landscape from the three dimensions of spatial pattern, spatial quality and spatial versatility, and integrates it into the existing scenic corridor identification system, to form a comprehensive identification system of rural scenic corridors that take space visual evaluation, comprehensive quality evaluation of landscape space, recreational attraction evaluation and potential ecological evaluation as the first-level indicators, and 13 second-level indicators such as landscape space diversity, settlement style, transportation accessibility and potential ecological corridors. Meanwhile, citing Heishan of Liaoning Province as an example, the paper objectively identifies the potential of existing roads for scenic corridor construction and makes preliminary planning, on the basis of protecting the rural natural base, which can provide some theoretical reference for scenic corridor identification and planning in the same type of areas.
Key words:  common scenery  ecological wisdom  rural scenic corridor  identification system  beautiful countryside  Heishan, Liaoning Province
WANG Yuncai,JIA Yifei,ZHU Yunqi,CHENG Yuning.Identification of Rural Scenic Corridors with Common Scenery Wisdom: A Case Study of Heishan, Liaoning Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):100-106.