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郭雪艳1, 达良俊2
关键词:  城市化  近自然  生物多样性  生态恢复  生态安全  生命地标
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2020YFC0832801);上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室开放课题(编号 SHUES2020A14)
Rethinking Urban Ecological Construction under the Context of Ecological Security
GUO Xueyan1, DA Liangjun2
1.Academy of Forensic Science;2.East China Normal University
Rapid urbanization is accompanied by various environmental pollution, declining biodiversity quality, ecosystem service degradation, disease spread and other urban problems, which directly threaten the ecological security of cities and human health. Based on the analysis of the origin and connotation of “ecology”, this research proposes drawing on the traditional ecological wisdom, and applying the “life view, dynamic view and system view” to analyze and solve the problems and misunderstandings in urban ecological construction and management methods. Incorporating Shanghai’s ecological practices, it creates a healthy, safe and resilient urban living environment by building a near natural urban life landmark with native plants and indigenous animals as the main body, so as to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
Key words:  urbanization  near-to-nature  biodiversity  ecological restoration  ecological security  living landmark
GUO Xueyan,DA Liangjun.Rethinking Urban Ecological Construction under the Context of Ecological Security[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):49-52.