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郭雅婷, 李运远
关键词:  风景园林  生物多样性  城市绿地  植物群落  生态功能  群落稳定性  群落构建方法
基金项目:北京市重点研发计划(编号 D171100007117003)
Construction Paths of Plant Communities in Urban Green Space Based on Biodiversity
GUO Yating, LI Yunyuan
Beijing Forestry University
With the rapid development of urbanization, biodiversity is increasingly threatened, and the poor stability of urban green plant communities will directly affect the performance of its ecological functions. It also directly affects the self-regulation of urban ecological functions. This research briefs the main ecological functions, stability and relationship of the urban green space plant communities, and explores the biological and non-biological pathways through which biodiversity affects the stability of the communities. Based on the existing researches on biodiversity indicators at the urban block scale, it proposes the principles for constructing urban green space plant communities, and based on the mechanism of biodiversity affecting the stability of urban green space plant communities, sums up the ways of constructing highly stable urban green space plant communities. 1) From the biological approach, it selects the species with dominant traits, and the structures and species collocations that can ensure coordinated development of multiple traits. 2) From the non-biological approach, select the appropriate and strong anti-interference structure, species and site conditions to build a suitable niche for animals and plants, and at the same time realize the efficient use of resources for animals and plants in the community. The ultimate goal of this research is to provide a method reference for the improvement of the ecological efficiency of urban green space and the construction of plant communities in China in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  biodiversity  urban green space  plant community  ecological function  community stability  community construction method
GUO Yating,LI Yunyuan.Construction Paths of Plant Communities in Urban Green Space Based on Biodiversity[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):59-63.