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王淳淳1, 金云峰1, 徐森2
关键词:  风景园林  绿道  规划实践  空间治理  制度建设  规划可持续  行政可持续
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978480)
Greenway Planning and Construction in China: From Campaign Style to Institutionalization
WANG Chunchun1, JIN Yunfeng1, XU Sen2
1.Tongji University;2.Hanjia Design Group Co., Ltd.
After years of practice and development, greenway has scored tremendous achievements in China in the aspects of theoretical connotation, planning and route selection, and comprehensive benefits. This research, based on a range of publicly available documents, proceeds with the specific practical process of greenways in various parts of China over the past 20 years, and sorts out the changes in the role of greenways in the planning system, the gradual refinement in the setting of indicators, and implement of greenway management and control. It summarizes the development and changes of greenway construction in China in the three stages from the campaign style, normalization recognition to institutionalization. Having looked forward to the further institutionalization of greenways, it inspires other planning concepts and approaches in China from the greenway experience.
Key words:  landscape architecture  greenway  planning practice  spatial governance  institutionalization construction  planning for sustainability  administrative sustainability
WANG Chunchun,JIN Yunfeng,XU Sen.Greenway Planning and Construction in China: From Campaign Style to Institutionalization[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):82-87.