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王颖1, 王巍静2, 孙子文3, 胡秉真2
关键词:  场所依恋  自然度  童年-成年环境变迁  人地关系  幸福感
基金项目:北京理工大学青年教师学术启动计划;华南理工大学国家重点实验室国际合作项目(编号 2020ZA01)
Research on the Relationship Between Childhood Place Attachment and Adult Well-being
WANG Ying1, WANG Weijing2, SUN Ziwen3, HU Bingzhen2
1.University of York;2.University of Edinburgh;3.Beijing Institute of Technology
In recent decades, place attachment, based on human-land relationship, has become popular in research. In the landscape field, ancient villages, tourist destinations, urban parks have been widely studied, but they are all in fixed places and lack consideration of the time-varying environmental change between childhood and adult settings. Compared with Western countries, this problem posed by environmental changes has been magnified given the unprecedented rate of urbanization in China, but it has long been neglected. Using a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews in Zhejiang, through multivariate regression analysis, one-way ANOVA and thematic analysis, this study explores how childhood place attachment is related to the naturalness of the living environment and how childhood place attachment affects adult well-being differently due to the degree of environmental change. The results show that a higher degree of naturalness of childhood place can form a higher place attachment; and childhood attachments can directly impact adult well-being, but its influence is conditioned on childhood-adult environmental differences. This research illustrates the environmental adaption issues brought by rapid urban development and proposes a model of childhood place attachment and adult well-being, and the results are significant of expanding studies on the relationships between the natural environment and human health.
Key words:  place attachment  naturalness  childhood-adult environmental change  human-land relationships  well-being
WANG Ying,WANG Weijing,SUN Ziwen,HU Bingzhen.Research on the Relationship Between Childhood Place Attachment and Adult Well-being[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(2):112-118.