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姜芊孜, 王广兴, 李金煜
关键词:  文化服务  生态系统服务  城市公园  公众感知  城市绿地
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51908332);教育部人文社会科学研究(编号 18YJCZH066);山东省自然科学基金(编号 ZR2017BEE075);山东省住房和城乡建设厅软科学研究项目(编号 2021-R3-4);山东省高等学校青创科技支持计划(编号 2020KJG004)
Public Perception of Cultural Ecosystem Services in Urban Parks: A Case Study of Urban Parks of Jinan City Proper
JIANG Qianzi, WANG Guangxing, LI Jinyu
Shandong Jianzhu University
As a link between humans and the natural ecosystem, urban parks provide significant ecosystem services. Studying the perceptions of different users over cultural ecosystem services is of great guiding significance to optimize park design and improve the service quality. Taking the parks in the Jinan City Proper as examples, this research adopts the importance-satisfaction analysis method to study the perceptions of local residents and non-local tourists on the cultural services of urban parks. It discloses that from the perspective of public perception results, priority should be given to improve the education and knowledge, cultural heritage, social relations, and sense of place of urban parks in the main urban areas, and local residents and non-local tourists differ significantly in their perception of the cultural services. From the perceptual results of various types of parks, the mean satisfaction value of comprehensive parks is slightly lower than the mean importance value, the mean satisfaction value of specialized parks is higher than the mean importance value, and all types of parks have service types of low satisfaction. Based on this, it proposes promotion strategies of cultural services respectively for the low-satisfaction services of public perception and the weaknesses of various types of parks. This research shows that urban public perception research can complement the top-down planning process, and the importance-satisfaction analysis method is universal and easy to operate.
Key words:  cultural services  ecosystem services  urban parks  public perception  urban green space
JIANG Qianzi,WANG Guangxing,LI Jinyu.Public Perception of Cultural Ecosystem Services in Urban Parks: A Case Study of Urban Parks of Jinan City Proper[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(2):127-133.