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申佳可, 陈照方, 彭震伟, 王云才
近年来,景观特征评价(landscape character assessment, LCA)成为识别乡村景观特征的有效工具。为更好了解LCA如何为乡村景观规划与管护提供决策支持,系统性评述了中国已发表的49篇乡村LCA实证研究在指标选择、方法使用、结果应用3个核心评价环节中表现的特征及存在的不足。利用卡方检验发现:空间格局特征类指标是普遍使用的决定性指标,人文美学特征类指标在南方地区使用比例显著,功能性特征指标使用率不断降低。数字化技术在各环节渗透以及对多空间尺度和时间维度变化的重视是评价方法的发展趋势,对中国当代风景园林师提出了新要求。现有研究评价结果与风景园林实践存在较大差距,在相应尺度上生成对接相关实践类型的乡村LCA成果是提升评价应用水平的有效途径。
关键词:  风景园林  乡村景观  景观特征评价  系统性综述  时空特性  评价指标
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD1100405)
Development and Prospect of Rural Landscape Character Assessment in China
SHEN Jiake, CHEN Zhaofang, PENG Zhenwei, WANG Yuncai
Tongji University
In recent years, landscape character assessment (LCA) has become an effective tool for identifying and classifying rural landscape features. To better understand how LAC provides decision-making support for rural landscape planning and conservation, this research systematically reviews the characteristics and shortcomings of 49 published empirical studies on rural LCA in China in three core assessment links, i.e., indicator selection, method use and result application. The Chi-square test shows that the spatial pattern characteristic indicators are the most widely used decisive indicators, the proportion of humanistic and aesthetic characteristic indicators is significant in southern China, and the utilization of functional characteristic indicators decreases with time. The penetration of digital technology in each link, and the emphasis on multi-spatial scale and change of time are the trends of methods used in studies, which put forward new requirements for contemporary landscape planners in China. There is a large gap between the existing assessment results and the practice of landscape planning. It is an effective way to improve the application level of evaluations to generate the achievements of rural LCA in accordance with the relevant practice types on the corresponding research scales.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural landscape  landscape character assessment (LCA)  systematic literature review  temporal-spatial characteristic  assessment indicator
SHEN Jiake,CHEN Zhaofang,PENG Zhenwei,WANG Yuncai.Development and Prospect of Rural Landscape Character Assessment in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):19-24.