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袁兴中1, 张超凡1, 张冠雄2, 黄鑫3
关键词:  基于自然的解决方案  生态修复  生物多样性保育  动态塌陷  新生湿地  采煤塌陷区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 52178031);重庆大学煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室重点基金(编号 2011DA105287-ZD201402)
Ecological Restoration Model of Coal Mining Subsidence Area Based on Biodiversity Conservation
YUAN Xingzhong1, ZHANG Chaofan1, ZHANG Guanxiong2, HUANG Xin3
1.Chongqing University;2.Qufu Normal University;3.Zoucheng City Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Shandong Province
Taking the Taiping coal mining subsidence area in Zoucheng city of Yanzhou coalfield, Shandong Province as an example, this research, based on years of investigation and researches, analyzes the ecological status and biodiversity change characteristics of the newly created wetland in Taiping coal mining subsidence area. Incorporating the characteristics of dynamic collapse, it explores the ecological restoration technologies Nature-based Solutions while taking the biodiversity conservation of newly created wetland in the subsidence area as the core. From the perspective of overall ecosystem design and restoration, it gives an innovative technical framework for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration in coal mining subsidence areas. It proposes six ecological restoration models in coal mining subsidence areas based on biodiversity conservation, including dynamic design conforming to the collapse time rhythm, spatial structure design based on habitat unit, composite design of terrain-sediment, integrated design of above water and underwater, collaborative design of animals and plants, multi-functional habitats design, and carries out relevant ecological restoration practices. The results show that ecological restoration in coal mining subsidence areas based on biodiversity conservation yields obvious comprehensive benefits. The restored coal mining subsidence areas become a symbiotic system with rich diversity and multi species cooperation, a dynamic landscape system integrating forest and water, and provide rich and diverse ecological products. The research results provide scientific basis and technical reference for biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration design in coal mining subsidence areas.
Key words:  Nature-based Solution (NbS)  ecological restoration  biodiversity conservation  dynamic collapse  newly created wetland  coal mining subsidence area
YUAN Xingzhong,ZHANG Chaofan,ZHANG Guanxiong,HUANG Xin.Ecological Restoration Model of Coal Mining Subsidence Area Based on Biodiversity Conservation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):52-57.